Fact sheet automation and client reporting
We strive to radically improve the level of investment reporting for every client. Our highly customised fact sheets are fully automated, accurately and – as the entire process is outsourced to us – with little effort. And effective automation needn’t mean compromise, as our flexible platform is built to support elegant, engaging designs.
Solutions are also tremendously scalable. Our robust reporting engine can rapidly adapt to creating alternative language versions or adding entirely new product ranges.

Portfolio data analysis and dissemination
A common problem in investment reporting is that standard third-party classifications simply don’t fit with the way a manager wants to label and breakdown holdings. This is a problem Huguenots solves.
We source portfolio data from the administrator and agree preferred classifications and methodology with investment team analysts. Our engine then automatically renames holdings as it generates customised portfolio breakdowns, learning and adapting to often complex bespoke requirements. We can disseminate this processed data on our client’s behalf.

Integrated web solutions
We leverage our powerful proprietary platform to design, create and manage product microsites, investment blogs and large, multi-audience, multilingual websites, all with customised investment reporting integrated from the outset.

Embeddable widgets
We can provide customised embeddable widgets for web content managed elsewhere, bringing the latest fund prices, performance and portfolio breakdowns seamlessly to any site.
Complete fund literature libraries can also be configured and hosted on your behalf, ensuring that investors can easily access relevant fund literature on any product page. Our investment blogging platform can additionally deliver your latest 'news and views' to appropriate pages on your website.

Manager interviews
With 15 years of experience interviewing some of the most respected names in the industry and an in-house studio in our central London office, we are well placed to help fund managers engage with the market more directly.